Tuesday, September 14, 2010


These are all the drawings I have for right now.  I will be posting more later this year as I practice and when I start my next drawing class.

Final drawings for Drawing 1 class

It's been a while since I've uploaded anything.  Here are the rest of my main drawing from my drawing 1 class that I completed in July.  The roses were a project that we did where we picked a silk rose and drew them showing how we could make it look as much like the silk rose as possible with the shading and shadow.  Then we had to do it again in color.  The nature scene is one where we had to show perspective.  The horse is the original drawing I did before adding the gears and tools.  The Koi fish was my final project.  The project was to design a robot, which could be more organic.  It must be functional. I chose a Koi fish because I think they are beautiful.  This Koi, is also used as a swimming pool cleaner. You put it in a swimming pool and it "swims" around filtering the muck out of the water while still looking nice.  This project was so fun for me as it had a lot of shading, use of color, which I don't usually use.  It was a challenge, but I loved seeing it come to life.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mechanical Horse

For this project, we were supposed to take a drawing of a horse that we did in class, and make it look like it was build out of tools and gears.  This was a challenging project but it was a lot of fun.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Grid drawing

This project was do draw an uneven grid and make it into a creative design.  I did this with colored pencils and white charcoal.

Monday, May 3, 2010


So today we worked with Charcoal.  I've never really done that much with it before, so this was an interesting learning experience.  The assignment was to make kind of an abstract drawing putting together different shapes and using only a few colors.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So for this project we are learning how to draw showing more than one side.  This bug is a mixture of an ant, grasshopper and butterfly.  Had to be creative.  This view shows from the front, and side with a bit of the top showing.  I colored it using watercolor pencils and blended it with a bit of water.

Monday, April 19, 2010


These are my first two projects for my Drawing 1 class.  The top one is a project we did using different shapes, color and shading.  I used watercolor pencils.  The bottom one we had to design a crown, using our imagination.  We had to sketch out 6-8 different concepts of crowns and the class picked the one they thought we should do.  My most imaginative one was of a snake.  This was a difficult project to do because of all the shading involved.  But I enjoy a challenge so I had fun!